Some ATA members are heading to Surprise, AZ this coming week for their 65 and over sectionals. Congratulations to Linda and Joe, good luck to both teams.
Christmas party is Sunday, December 16th, 5:00pm, Sintra and Ruthven's home. Reminder to bring a side dish and a "tacky, yet nice gift".
SNM league tennis: Great opportunity for Alamo to put a team together, 1/2 the matches would be played right here in Alamo. If you are interested in playing, contact Allison Deputy, SNM Leagues Coordinator
January 21st-March 10th; 40 and over league tennis.
March 31st-May 5th; 55 and over league tennis.
March 23rd; Alamogordo Cottonwood Tournament
For a master list of league and tournament information click below: