Thursday, Aug. 13: Special ATA board sponsored Thursday Play Day. Come on out by 9:00. We’ve got something special planned to help promote T/Th open play. Be there!
Aug. 22: Mid school training session for volunteers, 9:00 Oregon Courts
Sept 2: ATA Board meeting at noon; all members welcome
Sept. 5 Play Day, hosted by Diane and Lee Gustafson. Play starts at 9:00 at Oregon Courts
Oct. 3-4: SENM Open Tourney, Roswell. Contact ATA board member or Faye Stokes for more info.
Oct. 17th-18th: ATA Closed Tourney: Get this date on your calendar; more later.
Oct. 24: tentative Roswell/Alamogordo exchange

August Play Day was hosted by Robert and Marita Meints. Six courts of players played HOT tennis on a hot Aug. day. Robert put together an INTERNATIONAL Play Day where players played for a country. Italy took first, and Great Britain took second, with John & Evelyn Genta representing Italy, and Anke Witak and John White representing Gr. Britain. Mients hosted a bratwurst luncheon following play. Thanks for a wonderful time, Marita and Robert!
Mid School Tennis program is planned again this fall. ATA will team with NMUS-A again to offer a middle school tennis program from Aug. 25th to Oct 1st with instruction for the first 3-4 weeks and organized play to follow. Sessions will be on Tues. & Thurs. from 5:00-6:30. Carl Jones has volunteered to be the lead instructor. ATA volunteers will be needed, so if you are interested in donating some time to youth tennis in Alamogordo, please give your name to either Carl Jones or Evelyn Genta by Aug. 20th. Carl will offer a training session for volunteer coaches and helpers on Sat. Aug. 22nd. Interested mid school players can sign up with NMSU-A community ed. Ph. 439-3842. Cost to students will be only $40 which includes a t-shirt.
New Member: Please welcome new ATA member, Brian Grace. Brian comes most recently from Albuquerque. See you on the courts Brian!
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