Saturday, June 15, 2013

Senior Summer Olympics

The Sr. Summer Olympics were held this past week in Roswell. There were 50 participants from Alamogordo. Congratulations to the following ATA members.

Tom Springer; took home two gold for men's singles and men's doubles with Grady
Nell Nicholson; took home silver for mixed doubles with Grady
Grady Nicholson; took home two gold for men's singles and men's doubles with Tom and a silver for mixed with Nell
Linda Gilliland; took home the gold for women's doubles with Gail
Gail Richardson; took home the gold for women's doubles with Linda
Joe Santackas; took home gold for mixed doubles with Janet and silver for men's singles
Janet Santackas; took home gold for women's singles and gold for mixed with Joe

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