Harold, Cathy, Anke and Sabine B enjoy some KFC.
From Evelyn Genta, the coordinator of the Las Cruces Exchange:
Just to bring you up to speed---
Alamo sort of beat up on Las Cruces yesterday with final tally after singles results came in at 20 matches won by ATA to 5 by LC. Play went smoothly with almost everyone able to play 2 matches; each match was a pro set. 24 ATA players made the drive, and Las Cruces had just a few more, so play involved 50+ players. They sort of goofed up when they set the date, as many of their men players were at sectionals in Albuquerque. I doubt if they make that mistake again. Everyone was very gracious, and I believe everyone had a good time. LC provided chicken for lunch and we finished off around noon.
I appreciated Diane's help with the desk, which made it more enjoyable for those of us trying to organize.
I have the trophy and will get it inscribed before I give it to Sandy to remount on our door.
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