A fundraiser was organized to pay for the storage building. As of Sept. 1st, we have exceeded our goal with a grand total of $4230 received in donations. A tremendous thank you
to ATA members! We appreciate your generous donations, your supportive comments, donations from out-of-town members who visit only a few weeks each year, your time, effort, and thought from so many who have stepped up to make this happen.
If you were unable to make a contribution, it is not too late! Excess funds will support ATA wish list which includes shade structures, improved bleachers on northern courts (southern courts will be covered by remaining capital outlay funds), and improved lighting on 2 courts. Contractor Brad Drotts expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to work on this project. Also thanks to Sandy Sanchez who helped with decisions and who designed and built the ATA sign and clock, and to Gail & Greg Richardson for their medical kit donations.

Sept 4 : Marita and Robert Farewell Play Day, 9:00. Meints are inviting everyone to their home following play for traditional potato salad and bratwurst
Sept 18: 6:00 Pot luck at Nicholsons; courts celebration & Meints send off; bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage.
Oct. 6: ATA Board meeting at noon; all members welcome
Oct. 9-10: 2010 Otero County Closed Tourney; entry forms attached; entries due 10/3
Oct. 10: ATA pot luck & annual meeting; elections for new board
Nov 6: Roswell/Alamogordo exchange in Roswell; Steve Schuster is coordinating
Nov 13: Nov. play day turkey shoot & lunch at Morgan’s
ATA Board vacancies: Three members of the ATA board are scheduled to go off the board in October. Neil Bottger, Sabine Fahl, and Evelyn Genta are ending their terms. If you are interested in serving on the board please contact any board member. Elections for new members will be at the annual meeting on Oct. 10. (A host is needed for this pot luck event; contact a board member if you would like to host).
World Team Tennis??? A world team tennis league is being currently being organized in Las Cruces with play possibly split between Las Cruces and Alamogordo. League play will run from Oct. 15 to Jan 15, and does NOT require USTA membership. Alamogordo will be sending at least one 3.5 team, and maybe more depending on interest. Contact Steve Schuster by Sept. 15 if you are interested.
Senior Olympics:
Due to a reporting oversight, last month's newsletter failed to include that Faye Stokes, long time ATA member from Roswell, and her partner, Bill Rapp, also from Roswell, placed 1st in the Mixed 75 Doubles State Senior Olympics competition in Las Cruces late last July. Congratulations Faye & Bill!
Aug. Play Day: What a great day in the mountains! Harold Waggoner organized nearly 30 players in a team format onto only 4 courts, but waiting for play in the mountains was pleasurable. Following play and lunch at the park (delivered by Cross Eyed Moose Restaurant), Waggoners hosted home made ice cream at their home. Thanks to Cathy & Harold Waggoner for hosting this popular play day.
Lisa & Terry Marquardt are enjoying homemade ice cream on Waggoner’s rumble seat. High scorers were Sabine Fahl, Pat Morgan, Diane Gustafson, & Grady Nicholson.
WELCOME new members! Three new members joined ATA recently. Janet & Joe Santackas recently moved to Alamogordo from Boston. Rebecca Sunjka lives in Cloudcroft. See you on the courts!
ATA web page:

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