ATA President Steve Schuster has been communicating with city personnel regarding the tennis court project. Steve reports: I spoke with Matt McNeile and Stephen Thies. Mr McNeile assured me that the courts would be bid and built before the High School season starts (late Jan). He also assured me that Mr. Balderama could put his bid package together in less than two weeks. He also stated that there was a zero chance of losing the grant money as the City can show that the funds are encumbered and the bid process is underway (they have already filled out a grant survey put out by the State). We have till 5/11 to spend the money. He did throw me a curve ball when he said that the courts would be completely torn out (by City personnel) and we would build from scratch. I asked and was assured again that that no City expenses would be charged against the grant funds.
Oct 7: ATA Board meeting at noon; all members welcome
No Oct play day
Oct. 3-4: SENM Open Tourney, Roswell. Contact ATA board member or Faye Stokes for more info.
Oct. 10th-11th: ATA Closed Tourney
Oct. 24: Roswell/Alamogordo exchange; put this date on your calendars. Details are forthcoming.
September Play Day was hosted by Diane and Lee Gustafson. Perhaps a record number of players turned out, filling seven courts in a team tennis format. “Team Roger Federer and Serina Williams” composed of Tom Roll, Judie Francis, Cameron Emmert, and Pien Latham, was the winning team taking home Diane’s homemade prizes (check out Cameron’s boxers). Thanks for a super play day, Diane and Lee!
A special ATA Board sponsored play day was held on Aug. 13th to discuss Tuesday & Thurs. Open Play. It was decided to set a timer and rotate play every 30 minutes to insure mixing of players. System seems to be well liked and running smoothly, but players are reminded to please rotate immediately when time is called.
Mid School Tennis program is up and running. ATA has teamed with NMUS-A again, offering a middle school tennis program from Aug. 25th to Oct 1st. Sessions are on Tues. & Thurs. from 5:00-6:30. Carl Jones is the lead instructor with a dozen ATA members also volunteering to assist with instruction. Twenty-seven mid school players have signed up and the enthusiasm on the courts is beyond description. One parent said, “I can’t believe how these kids are out there hitting and playing, and having a blast, after only a few sessions!”
New Member: Please welcome new ATA member, Dub Brown. Dub splits his time between Cloudcroft and Huntsville, TX, (Contrary to rumor, Dub was NOT the warden there). Welcome Dub!
Chihuahua exchange is a no-go for September. Pat Morgan is checking to see if Thanksgiving weekend would be a possibility. Pat needs to know if there is sufficient ATA interest for a Thanksgiving trip. Contact him if you are interested.
ATA closed Tourney, Oct. 10-11. Forms are attached with pertinent information. Please get your entries in to Grady Nicholson by Sunday, Oct. 4th, 6:00 pm.
Also, remember that the annual ATA meeting will be held on Sunday, Oct. 11 and two new board members will be elected. Steve Schuster and Joy Gallent will be going off the board. If you are interested in serving on the ATA board, please give your name to Steve, or any board member. More info on the annual meeting in the Oct. newsletter.
Please note the attached article on the 2009 National Senior games. ATA members Tom Springer and Jim Crouse won the 75 doubles title. Congratulations Tom and Jim!
Check out the ATA web page:
Thanks to Dale Emmert for keeping this up and running.