An upcoming bond issue may afford funds to rebuild old courts. The city commission is having a special meeting to consider “quality of life” projects (such as tennis courts) for the bond election. This meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 6:00 at the Willie Estrada Memorial Center. ATA members are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting and show support for rebuilding the Oregon courts. You are also encouraged to attend the regular city commission meeting at 7:30 on Tuesday, Nov. 18th at the City Hall. Steve Schuster will be presenting ATA concerns to the city commission.
2008 Otero Closed Tourney held in Oct. was a big success despite weather predictions. Rains held off and play was almost uninterrupted. Thanks to tourney directors Nell and Grady Nicholson who directed this event, again.
Tourney results: Ruidoso business man, Dennis Johnston, won the 2008 Otero County Closed Tennis Tournament Men's Open Singles, when his opponent, Jose Fantauzzi, an engineer at the High-Speed Test Track, had to retire due to an injury. The two had split the first two sets, 6-7, 7-5, before Fantauzzi retired. Fantauzzi won this event the previous two years. The Women's Open Singles was won by 15 year old Alamogordo tennis whiz, Natalie Rivera, besting Alma Villanueva of High Rolls in a tight three set final, 4-6, 7-5, 6-2. Fantauzzi and Rivera teamed to beat Linda Gilliland and Scott Key, 6-4, 6-1 in the Mixed Doubles Open.
Darryl Gallent, an Alamogordo business man, and his brother, Cliff, who traveled from Mississippi for this tournament, won both the Men's Open Doubles and the Men's 35 Doubles. The brothers beat Johnston and David Kaleh, 6-3, 6-4, in the Open, and Rick Sotak and John Genta by the same score in the 35's. The tournament was Sponsored by the Alamogordo Tennis Association in cooperation with the City of Alamogordo.
Results of the remaining finals: Men's Singles 45 Scott Key def. Patrick Morgan 6-2; 6-2. Men's Singles 65 Thomas Springer (1) def. Robert Schreiner (2) 6-1; 6-2. Men's Singles NTRP 3.0 Maurice Lopez def. Christian Wally 6-1; 4-6; 6-3. Women's 35 Doubles Cindy Carey / Lois Whitmire def. Neoma Smith / Anke Witac 6-2; 6-1 Women's 55 Doubles Pien Latham / Gail Richardson def. Sabine Fahl / Linda Gilliland 6-2; 6-1. Mixed Doubles 55 John Genta / Evelyn Genta (2) def. Pien Latham / Rick Sotak (1) 6-3; 6-4. Boys' 18 and Under
Singles Daniel Moezzi def. Cameron Riggs 6-0; 6-0. Boys' 14 and Under Singles Cody McNeely def. Aslan Gallegos 6-4; 7-5
Also, thanks to the ATA members who showed up for work day. Members cleaned courts and patched and filled some of the court cracks. Special thanks to Grady Nicholson for his contacts with the city and for obtaining supplies.

Welcome new members: Several players joined ATA during the fall tourney: David Kuale, Dennis Johnston, Cindy Carey, and Lois Whitmore all come from Ruidoso. Cliff Gallent (Darryl’s brother) comes from Mississippi!
Nov 11: Special city council and town hall meeting; 6:00, Willie Estrada Center
Nov. 18: Regular city council meeting, 7:30, town hall
Dec 3 ATA Board meeting at noon at Margo’s Restaurant. (Note board meetings will usually be scheduled for the 1st Wed. of each month).
Dec. 5: Christmas Party again will be hosted by Ruthven and Sintra Sampath. Mark this date on your calendars and be on the lookout for more info. You don’t want to miss this party!
Dec 6: Play Day, 9:00, hosted by Anke Witak
New Board:
A new ATA board was elected at the annual meeting in November.

New officers are: Steve Schuster, president, Sabine Fahl, member at large; Neil Bottger, treasurer;
Joy Gallent, secretary; Evelyn Genta, vice president/newsletter.
Thanks to outgoing president and vice president, John Genta and Maurice Lopez, for a job well done!
Nov. Play Day was a big success with more than 6 courts of players competing for the big turkey prize. Thanks to Ken Smith for hosting this event—again, and to Nori and Pat Morgan for hosting Nori’s famous gumbo lunch following play.
Did you know?
Linda Gilliland and the AHS tennis team recently received recognition from USTA as a “no-cut school tennis team.” This honor is the result of much hard work by Linda and Carl Jones to include all players on the AHS team. Congratulations!
You can’t ask for a let because of a broken string. Replace your racquet after the point has been played out.
(The Code, Item 44) Tennis Dec. 08
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