Court Status:
An upcoming bond issue may afford funds to rebuild old courts. The city commission is having a special meeting to consider “quality of life” projects (such as tennis courts) for the bond election. This meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 6:00 at City Hall. ATA members are encouraged to attend this meeting and show support for rebuilding the Oregon courts.
Oct. 9th: 9:00 Work Day in preparation for tournament. If you can lend a hand, come with knee pads, putty knives, push brooms, blowers, etc. to help prepare courts for tournament.
Oct. 11th & 12th: ATA Otero Closed Tourney; entries due to Grady Oct. 4
Oct. 12: Annual meeting/party
Oct. 21: Special city council meeting
Nov. 1st: Turkey shoot play day, hosted by Ken Smith. Play begins at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will follow at Pat and Nori Morgan’s. Nori will be cooking her famous gumbo!
Nov. 4th : ATA board meeting, noon. ATA members are always welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings.
Annual meeting and pot luck party will be hosted by Maurice Lopez after play on Sunday, Oct. 12, at 7:00. Please bring a pot luck dish and own drinks. Party will start at 7:00 and ATA Board elections will be held. If you are interested in serving on the ATA Board, please contact any board member.
Welcome new members: Terry Marquardt has recently joined ATA. Terry has been the force behind the capital outlay funds for new tennis courts and we heartily welcome him to ATA.
Mid School Tennis program has come to an end with 37 mid schoolers participating and a dozen ATA volunteers. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped teach these young tennis players!
Pickle Ball anyone? Strokes are similar to tennis. They play on Wednesday evenings. Contact Pat or Nori Morgan.
Chihuahua!!! 9 members from the Club de Tenis de la cd. DePortiva traveled to Alamogordo for lots of tennis play and good times. Special thanks to Dale Emmert, translator and organizer; and Joy and Darrell Gallent who hosted the party. Also special thanks to host families: Pat and Nori Morgan, Maurice Lopez, and John and Evelyn Genta.

Did you know?
70% of errors on the courts are related to footwork. Tim Hand, USTA rep.
During play, spectators are not to interfere with play at any time, even to indicate “ball on court.” No spectator has a part in the match! Item 17, The Code
Two years old—not too early to start!
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