Thanks to Dale Emmert for setting this up for us! This is a great place to get ATA info, so mark it as a favorite!
Court Status: City will be working with USTA to try to obtain additional grant monies for new courts. Things seem to be stalled out a little bit as there appears to be a hold-up regarding the exchange of land with the schools. No progress yet on desperate need for repair of old courts. John G and Grady met with Eric, the new Parks and Rec. Director, regarding the many needs of the old courts. ATA plans on making another presentation to the city commission in May, so watch for notices on this, and please support ATA in these endeavors.
ATA High School Scholarship will be awarded in May. Deadline for application is April 18. For more info contact Neil Bottger, John Genta, or AHS counseling office.
No April Play Day due to April tournament. Next Play day is scheduled for May 3rd, 9:00 a.m. and will be hosted by Diane and Lee Gustafson, so don’t miss it!
Spring Open Tourney April 19th & 20th!!!!! Forms have been mailed out or can be obtained from Grady Nicholson or on the ATA web site. Get you entry in by April 12!
Tournament Party will be hosted by Joy and Darryl Gallent and is set for Sat., April 19th at 7:00 p.m. Maps to their home will be available at the tournament desk. Please bring a pot luck dish and your own drinks.
Welcome new member, Sabine Berger, who recently joined ATA. See you on the courts!
Next ATA Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 13th, at The 19th Hole (Desert Lakes Golf Club Restaurant). Please be reminded that ATA members are always welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings.
Condolences go out to the family of Ed Bentley, long time Alamogordo resident, and ATA member. Ed passed away on March 24th.

Beautiful and fragrant courtside wisteria is now in full bloom!
Membership rosters have been updated and are included with this newsletter. Please contact Evelyn Genta if any corrections are needed.
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