Saturday, September 17, 2011

Middle School Tennis

ATA mid school tennis program, offered through the combined efforts of NMSU-A Community Ed
and ATA, finished up mid September. In four weeks, excellent progress was seen in the 20 participants who were taught by 10 ATA volunteers, headed by Cameron Brace Emmert, lead instructor. Cameron's simple instructions and format, paired with kids each hitting hundreds of balls each session, resulted in student success! Special thanks to other ATA volunteers: Rick B, Bernice, John W, Linda, John & Evelyn, Janet, Laurie, and Grady. This is the 4th year that ATA/NMSU-A has offered this program.
(From John and Evelyn Genta)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Would You Like to be on the ATA Board?

Elections for two new board members will be held at the ATA Closed Tournament party. Please let John White or Dale Emmert know if you would like to serve on the board. WE NEED YOUR ENERGY AND IDEAS!!!

October 2011 Alamogordo Tennis Association Closed Tournament

Click here for an entry form to the Alamogordo Tennis Association closed tournament, to be held October 22-23. To participate, one must be either a member of the ATA, a resident of Otero County, or serving in the military.

Physical entry forms will be available September 16 at the courts in Alamogordo and at Holloman AFB.

Tennis Ladder

Janet Santackas is surveying players to find out how many would be interested in participating in tennis ladders.

To participate in a tennis ladder, one would need to be willing to play one match per week against the opponent he or she is paired with on the ladder. As the administrator of the ladder, Janet would be responsible to read the weekly match results as recorded by the competitors and then change the rankings accordingly.

For example, if Joe was ranked third, he would play the fourth ranked player. The winning player moves up in ranking on the ladder and the loser moves down.

Please let Janet know if you are interested in playing on a ladder, either in singles or doubles, call Janet at 415-3634 or talk to her at the courts!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Baby Shower for Raymond and Michelle

Several ATA members helped put on a baby shower for Raymond and Michelle.

September Play Day

Cameron and Dale were the top two scorers for the men. Janet and Cathy dominated on the women's side.

Thank you to John and Evelyn for sponsoring the September play day. The "everyone moves" format was used. Six courts were occupied and 26 total players participated. This was a great turnout and included some players who had never participated before.