April 14: Last day to sign up for Senior Olympics
April 17-18: ATA spring USTA sanctioned tourney. Deadline for entries is April 10. Draw will be Mon. April 12. Bleachers may not be set up, so bring chairs, but please keep chairs off courts to avoid potential damage to court membrane.
April 17: Tourney party hosted by Darryl & Joy Gallant, 7:00; bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage.
May 1: Roswell Exchange at Oregon courts, 9:30. Contact Steve Schuster if you would like to participate in competition to retain the coveted White Sands/Roswell trophy. ATA will provide lunch.
May 5: ATA Board meeting at noon; all members welcome.
May 8: May Play Day, 9:00, Oregon courts, hosted by Sabine & Wolfgang Fahl
Senior Olympics: Local registration is Apr 1-14 ($15 fee) with entry forms available at the Senior Center. There will be men's and women's singles and doubles, and mixed, in each 5 year age division, starting at age 50. The first 6 place finishers in each division will qualify for State (no obligation to go). Registration for State will be in May, and play in Las Cruces, Jul 28-Aug 1. This is a qualifying year for Nationals (Summer, 2011, Houston, TX), Players qualifying for Nationals are not obligated to go. Contact Grady Nicholson if you plan to play locally.

Welcome new members, Leeanne & Ronny Smith, from Ruidoso, hopefully will be driving down to join the many upcoming ATA events. Also welcome Dan Tisdale from Cloudcroft; his wife, Gina joined ATA last month, and welcome back, Shane Burns!
Terry Marquardt & Ron Griggs cut ribbon; Nell & Grady receive appreciation plaque