City has approved ASA Architects Studio from Las Cruces to design the tennis complex. This group designed the complex at NMSU, Tex. A&M, and others. You may have noticed that the city is experimenting with ways to patch the south courts. ATA remains hopeful that monies will become available to repair the Oregon courts. Please continue to talk to your commissioners about the condition of these courts.
Alamo-Las Cruces challenge was held on June 28th. ATA won back the trophy that Las Cruces has coveted since 2003. Thirty seven players participated! Score for the years that this event has taken place: Las Cruces-10; ATA-11
Many thanks to Steve Schuster for spearheading this event.

This event was first played in July 1990 and was played bi-annually in 90, 91, and 92.
Aug. 5th: ATA board meeting, noon, at the 19th Hole Restaurant. ATA members are always welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings
Aug. 9th: Play Day in Cloudcroft, 9:00 will be hosted by Jeri-Lynn and Bill Sandusky. Lunch (BBQ sandwiches, dessert, and drinks) will follow at Jeri-Lynn’s cabin. Players can contribute side dishes such as beans, slaw, potato salad, etc. if they’d like. In case of rain, Jerri-Lynn will still have us all over for lunch, visiting, and games!! What a deal!!
Oct. 11th & 12th: ATA Closed Tourney; get this date on your calendar!
Rollers and Drags: ATA has ordered new rollers and Steve Schuster has made some drags from carpet that can be pulled across the courts. Grady replaced a net headband recently and ATA and city are both ordering more.
Welcome ATA members:
Shane Burns, Doug Goodgame, and Carl Jones have re-joined ATA. Welcome back!!
Kids Tennis Lessons:
City is offering kids tennis classes, ages 7-13
July 15-July 31
Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:30 am - 9:20 am beginners
9:30 am -10:20 am intermediate
fee: $33.00 per class
call 439-4142 for more info
ATA is planning to implement a mid school program this fall. Program will be appropriate for any skill level. We are planning a 6 week program, 2 afternoons weekly after school from Aug 19 to Sept. 26. For more information contact the Gentas or the Lathams or NMSU-A community ed.