Court Status:
The city commission met on Nov. 11 to consider proposed bond issues. ATA was well represented with 15 members in attendance, most of which stayed the entire 4 and a half hour meeting. After much consideration of important issues, the commission decided to include tennis court rebuilding on the upcoming bond issue which will most likely happen in March 09. Special thanks to Steve Schuster and Linda Gilliland for presenting ATA needs and concerns. ATA is planning a campaign to promote the tennis portion of the bond. Much more info will be coming out on this; please give any feedback or ideas to board members.
Jan 5th: Play Day; 9:00; Pien and Darrell Latham hosting
Jan 7th ATA Board meeting at noon at El Camino Restaurant.
Jan 23-24 Battle of the Clubs Las Cruces
Jan 28th: Ladies play day with ladies from Ruidoso; RSVP to Evelyn
2008 Ends with a BANG!
Christmas Party was again hosted by Ruthven and Sintra Sampath. Great food and Sintra’s famous tacky gift exchange made for a fabulous and hysterical evening.
December Play Day was hosted by Robert and Marita Meints, and Anke and Carsten Witak. This team did a fabulous job with Christmas attire, snacks, and prizes. A delicious German lunch followed at Meints home which made this a memorable and festive event.

Thanks to Ruthven and Sintra Sampath who hosted the ATA Christmas Party again.
Robert Meints unwraps and kisses a frog, only to eventually lose it to Sintra.
Play day winners and hosts
Dues are Due in January! $15/single and $29/family still remains a terrific bargain. Dues can be given to Neil Bottger or any board member or mailed to ATA, PO Box 684, Alamogordo, NM 88310. Get these in by March 31st to avoid a $5 late fee and get your name on the ATA roster (out in April).
Battle of the Clubs in Las Cruces is Jan 23-24 with entries due on Jan 9. We need a team of 8—4 women, 4 men, but we can enter more teams with more players. Fees are $35/person. Event promises food, prizes, and good tennis!! Contact Sabine Fahl to get your entry in!!
Ladies Play Day and luncheon on Wednesday, Jan. 28th. Ladies from Ruidoso will be coming to Alamogordo to play, with lunch to follow at the Gentas. Please RSVP to Evelyn as we want to get players to fill courts. Email reminders will be sent in Jan.
No newsletter in January. Next newsletter will be a combination JAN/FEB newsletter. Necessary updates on information will be emailed.
Sabine already has the Play Days lined up for 2009:
Month Hosts
January Pien and Darrell Latham
February Sandra and Wolfgang Peterson
March Joy and Darrell Gallant
April 18th and 19th: 35th annual USTA sanctioned tourney (no play day)
May Cathy and Harold Waggoner
June Sabine and Wolfgang Fahl
July Anke Witak
August Marita and Robert Mients
September Diane and Lee Gustafson
October Fall tourney TBA; no play day
November Neoma and Ken Smith
December Maurice Lopez
Of course watch the newsletters for dates, times, and any changes