New Courts: City has asked for bids for planning for new courts. ATA will meet with planners once a bid is selected. Nothing new on old court needs. Please continue to talk to your commissioners about the condition of these courts.

Rico and Carl helped Linda Gilliland present awards at AHS tennis banquet in May.
June 28th Alamo-Las Cruces challenge
To sign up contact Steve Schuster no later than June 21st. This event promises fun, food, and door prizes!! This is NOT a play day or a scramble. This is a CHALLENGE!!! Its time for Alamogordo to win back that trophy!!
July 1st: ATA board meeting, noon. ATA members are always welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings
July 12th Play Day will start at 9:00 at city courts; hosted by Allen Campbell.
Rollers and Drags: ATA has ordered new rollers and Steve Schuster has made some drags from carpet that can be pulled across the courts. Hopefully we’ll get something besides city watering to sop up on those courts! ATA has approached the city about purchasing new headbands for some of the nets.
June Play Day was hosted by Cathy and Harold Waggoner. A dozen players enjoyed play in the tall pines of Cloudcroftin a team format. Thanks to Harold and Cathy!

Winners were blue team members: Harold, John, Nell, Judi, Diane, & Steve.

Harold’s famous ice cream was served on Waggoners deck following play.
Welcome new ATA members: Janice Fisher recently joined ATA. Janice comes from Alto, NM to play in Alamogordo. WELCOME!!
Bernice McRae is looking for a partner to practice drills and skills. Contact her at 434-4627 or 491-8881
. “One of the truths of recreational tennis: Most points are decided not by
winners, but by errors.” Tennis Magazine, June 2008