Final Notice
Dues are Due! $15/single and $29/family still remains a terrific bargain. Dues can be given to Neil Bottger or any board member or mailed to ATA, PO Box 684, Alamogordo, NM 88310. Get these in by March 31st to avoid a $5 late fee and get your name on the ATA roster (out in April).
April Play Day, hosted by the Gentas, featured a casino game format with cards and “Luck of the Draw.” Lucky winners were Dale Emmert and Pien Latham, and second place went to Alan Campbell with Nori Morgan and Anke Wintac tying for second for the women.

Court Status: Matt McNeile, asst. city manager attended the USTA sponsored convention and workshops on construction of new tennis courts. He met with USTA officials who are planning to come to Alamogordo and assist in planning for our new courts. No progress yet on desperate need for repair of old courts. We will continue to pursue grant opportunities and other options.
Beginner Class: Thanks to Darrell Latham for conducting a free beginners class. Feedback from participants was excellent; everyone came away with some new knowledge and skills!
April 19th & 20th: Dates are set for the Spring Open Tourney for April 19th & 20th!!!!! Forms will be mailed or emailed soon!
Next ATA Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1st at The 19th Hole (Desert Lakes Golf Club Restaurant). Please be reminded that ATA members are always welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings.
Alamogordo High School Tigers hosted the Alamogordo high school tennis tournament with 8 schools from around the state participating. Tourney directors Grady and Nell Nicholson worked closely with Tiger coach, Linda Gilliland, to put on this event which featured over100 players participating in 94 matches all occurring on March 8!!! Thanks to ATA members who helped transport students and make this such a successful event!
ATA donated $300 to the High School Tennis team to support some of their many needs.
ATA SCHOLARSHIP: $300 of scholarship money will be awarded to a graduating senior at the May banquet. Applications are due April 18th. See the AHS counselor, Linda Gilliland, or any board member for more info.
Congratulations to Harold Waggoner for taking 2 Gold Medals for Slalom and Giant Slalom in the Arizona State Senior Ski Olympics at Flagstaff in Feb. Other ATA Olympians within the past year include Pat and Nori Morgan (badminton); Grady Nicholson, Sabine Fall, Robert Schreiner, & Linda Gilliland (tennis), and Chuck and Marsha Kime (swimming). What a versatile group!!!

Neil Bottger, ATA treasurer, presents Linda Gilliland, AHS tiger tennis coach, with a $300 check to support tiger tennis.

Nell and Grady at tournament desk.