ATA's Chip Chase with Roger Federer at 2007 US Open!
Dues are Due! $15/single and $29/family still remains a terrific bargain. Dues can be given to Neil Bottger or any board member or mailed to ATA, PO Box 684, Alamogordo, NM 88310. Get these in by March 31st to avoid a $5 late fee and get your name on the ATA roster (out in April).
January Play Day was hosted by Steve Schuster and Neil Bottger with 21 players participating. High Scorers were Pien Latham, Ken Smith, and Neil Bottger.
Nearly 2 dozen players turned out for the February Play Day hosted by Pien and Darrell Latham despite Darrell’s recent shoulder surgery! High Scorers were John White and Sabine Fahl.
Thanks to Sandy Sanchez for donating a blower to ATA. It’s great for blowing the large leaves that fall on the courts.
Court Status: New court plans are proceeding slowly, but progress is being made. Help will be needed to repair old courts in the spring. More later.
Welcome new members; Bernice McRae, Marita & Robert Meints, and Gary Miehl have all recently joined ATA. WELCOME!!!!
Beginners Clinic: Darrell Latham is offering a free clinic for players wanting to improve basic skills. This 3 session clinic will begin the week of Feb. 18th. To sign up contact Darrell at 443-6107 or piendar@msn.com.
ATA Steve Schuster attended Battle of the Clubs in Las Cruces in Jan. Steve reports the event was well worth the effort with 15 teams playing 31 matches, 186 sets, and 1647 games. Thanks to Linda Gilliland for trying to organize an ATA team. Maybe next year!!!!!
Next ATA Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4th at The 19th Hole (Desert Lakes Golf Club Restaurant). Please be reminded that ATA members are always welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings.
March 1st: Next Play Day will be hosted by the Gentas. We will be doing Casino Royale. Bring a buck! ($1)
March 8th: High School Invitational tournament. Adult helpers are needed; if you can help contact Grady or Nell Nicholson 434-1949 or gnicholson@beyondbb.com
April 19th & 20th: Grady has already set the dates for the Spring Open Tourney for April 19th & 20th!!!!!